Saturday, September 15, 2018

Remove Sales Team Assigned to Customer Records Through CSV Import

The user wants to remove the sales rep set in the Sales Team tab of customer records. Team Selling is enabled on the account.

User is not able to do this through Mass update because the only available options for Sales Force Automation Mass Update are:

  • Add Sales Team Member
  • Remove Sales Team Member
  • Replace Sales Team Member

User is trying to update the record through CSV import. Below is the sample CSV file:

Internal ID

Customer Name

Sales Rep




The user used the following settings in the Import Assistant but the Sales Rep field fails to make the sales rep field blank:

  • Override Sublist is checked
  • Overwrite Missing Fields is checked

To resolve this perform the following steps:

First part is to create a Sales Team. This team will not have any member.

     1. Navigate to Setup > Sales > Sales Teams > New.
     2. Provide a Name (e.g. Blank Team).

     3. Click Save.

Second part is to update the record using the CSV file.

     1. Navigate to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.
     2. Select Relationships in the Import Type field.
     3. Select Customers Only in the Record Type field.
     4. Click Select.
     5. Locate the CSV file, then click Open.
     6. Click Next.
     7. Select Update for Data Handling.
     8. Expand Advanced Options.
     9. Check Override Sublists.
     10. Click Next.
     11. In the Field Mapping section, set the following:



     Note: Click the Pencil Icon to manually set the Sales Team created earlier.
     12. Click Next.
     13. Provide Import Map Name.
     14. Click Save & Run.

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