Saturday, September 15, 2018

Saved Search to Display Sales Reps' First Sale Date and First Sale Amount

Create a Transaction Saved Search :

1.  Navigate to Transactions > Management > Saved Searches > New

2. Pull up Transaction Search

3. On the Criteria tab > Standard subtab; add the following :

  • Sales Rep =  is none of -unassigned-
  • Shipping Line = is False

  • Tax Line = is False

  • Main Line = is True

  • Type = is any of Cash Sale, Invoice

  • Sales Rep Fields... then select on the SALES REP FILTER field : Name /ID = is not empty

4. On the Results tab, click on Remove All and add the following :

  • Sales Rep ------------ Group
  • Name ----------------- Group

  • Formula (Text) ------- Minimum --- min(to_char(substr({trandate},1,3900))) keep(dense_rank first order by{trandate})  ----------------- Date of First Sale

  • Formula (Currency) ---Minimum ----min(to_char(substr({total},1,3900))) keep(dense_rank first order by{trandate})  ------------------------ Amount of First Sale

5. Put a name on the Search and hit Save and Run.

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