Monday, October 29, 2018

Adaptive Insights displays message "Your Credentials Are Not Valid for Configuring NetSuite integration. Please Contact Your Administrator"

This article is intended for accounts integrated with Adaptive Insights, NetSuite's partner in delivering financial management solutions.


An employee who is the NetSuite and Adaptive Insights Administrator leaves the company. The company needs to reset the Adaptive Insights NetSuite Setup to reflect the new NetSuite Administrator.

They encounter an error message if they try to integrate Adaptive Insights with their NetSuite Account.

'You do not have sufficient permissions to configure NetSuite integration. Please contact your administrator.'


Employee should have Administrator role assigned

Log in to Adaptive Insights .
Navigate to: Integration > NetSuite Setup

Click Reset Connection

Identify the email address used in the Integration
Navigate to Setup > Integration > Web Services Usage Log

The User column identifies the employee email address (User) used in the integration.

Add the new employee Administrator in the Web Services Preferences
Navigate to Setup Integration Web Services Preferences
Add your employee name and set role as Administrator
Click the previous employee name from the list and click Remove
Click Save

Remove the Administrator role on the employee record
Go to Lists Employees Employees
Click Edit on the Employee Record
Go to the Access tab and click on the Roles subtab
Remove the Administrator role
Click Save
Note: This removes the mapped user inside Adaptive Planning. You have the option to add back the Administrator role to the employee if needed.

Log in to Adaptive Insights
Set your Administrator credentials on your Integration NetSuite Setup > NetSuite Account Details page.
a. Email
b. Password
c. Account ID
Click Save

Note: The login details mentioned is your NetSuite email address and password. This should have a native NetSuite Administrator role assigned. This employee name should also be listed under Setup > Integration > Web Services Preferences with Web Services Default Role = Administrator.

Check if IP Restriction is enabled on either Adaptive Insights or the NetSuite account. The IP address range of Adaptive Insights is Set this to the Allowed IP address of the NetSuite Account.


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