Friday, October 26, 2018

How to change the “Projected start date” day when Projected interval is Weekly.


When "Projected interval" on the Calculate Item Demand Plans is weekly the "Projected start date" always falls on Sunday.

How to change the "Projected start date" day when Projected interval is Weekly.


Today is Dec 17, 2011

1. Navigate to Transactions> Demand Planning> Calculate Item Demand Plans

2. On the Projected Interval select Weekly

Notice that the Projected Start Date falls on 12/11/2011 (Sunday)


To change the start of the week navigate to Set up> Company> General Preference

Change/Check the First Day of the week = This is your current set up for "Projected start date" for weekly interval.

On the above scenario changing the First day of the week to Monday "Projected start date" will be on 12/12/2011.

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