Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Uninstall NetSuite iPhone Application

To uninstall NetSuite iPhone App

1. Touch and hold finger down on NetSuite iPhone application for about 2 seconds. User should see all the applications start wiggling. At this point user can lift their finger.
2. While the applications are wiggling, user can manipulate them. An 'X' in the top left corner of all applications will appear that would allow user to uninstall it from the iPhone. Although it will not be able to uninstall any of the default applications that are provided by Apple (for example, the Camera application, Stocks application, or Notes application), any other application can be removed.
3. Touch the 'X' icon for the NetSuite iphone App. Once user clicks 'X', a popup will appaer asking to confirm the action. Click "Delete" if user is certain to uninstall the application.
4. User will receive one last popup after clicking "Delete" asking to rate the application. Simply click "No Thanks" if user do not want to rate the application, otherwise, select the desired number of stars and click "Rate".

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