Friday, November 23, 2018

Add a Signature field in the PDF Layout when printing Purchase Orders

Add a Signature field in the PDF Layout when printing Purchase Orders

Option 1:

1. Navigate to:

         Transactions> Purchases/Vendors > Enter Purchase Orders > Lists

2. Edit any Purchase Order Form:

 Customize> Customize Form > ScreenFields tab > Main > New Field

3. Set the Label= Approver Signature; Type = Free Form Text

4. Save

5. Navigate to:

 Customization > FormsTransaction Forms PDF Layout > customize preferred PDF Layout

6. Add Custom Element

7. Approver Signaturefrom the list

8. Under Element Text, type:

Approved By/ Date

9. Resize and position the element as necessary

10. Save

Option 2

1. Navigate to:

 Customization > Forms > TransactionForms > Edit the Purchase Order Form

2. Use the Disclaimer text field and enter the Signaturetext.

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