Thursday, November 8, 2018

Create a Custom Tab on an Item Record that Displays which Kit/Group/Assembly Item Record Item Belongs to



1.    Navigate to Reports > New Search > Item > Create Saved Search


2.    Set a Search Title (ex. Where Item is Used)

3.    Under Available Filters > Filter select Member Item Fields… >Internal ID (all other fields can be left unset)

4.    Set Public = Checked (or add permission by role)

5.    Under Criteria leave blank

6.    Under Results pick the fields that needs to be exposed (ex. Name, Display Name, Description, Type, Average Cost, Base Price)

7.    Press Save

8.    Navigate to Customization > Forms > Sublists > Item

9.    Under Search column select the custom saved search created in Step 2 (ex. Where Item is Used)

10.  Under Label column enter Where Used In (or a any label preferred, this will be the tab name that will be displayed on the item record)

11.  Under Tab column select the tab on the Item record that user wants to see this sublist in (ex. Purchasing/Inventory or Related Record)

12.  Place a Check Mark in the columns for each of the Item Types user wants to see this sublist on

13.  Press Save

14.  Now pull up an Item (one that is a component of an Item), click on tab that user placed the Where Used In subtab under (see point 11 above), and sublist will now show the component items this item is part of.

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