Monday, November 5, 2018

How to show the base price of the item in addition to the price level used on sales transactions


If a user selects a different Price level for an item ona sales transaction other than the Base price, the base pricerate will no longer show on the line items. The alternatesolution is to create a Custom transaction column field thatwill source the item's base price with the Rate that was used on thesales transaction.

Step 1: Create the CustomTransaction Line field:

1.    Navigate to Customization >Lists, Records, & Fields >Transaction Line Fields > New

2.    Label = Base Price or any name that isappropriate

3.    Set Store value = True

4.    Set Type = Currency

5.    On the Applies to tab > mark the checkbox for SalesItem and Opportunity Item

6.    On the Sourcing & Filtering tab > select
Source List = Item
Source From = Base Price

7.    Click Save  


Step 2: Make the CustomTransaction Line field available on the Sales Order Form

1.    Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transactions Forms

2.    Click on Customize or Edit on the Sales Order Form

3.    Enter Name of the Form eg. Sales Order with Base Price

4.    Go to Sublist Fields tab

5.    Mark the Show box for the custom field Base Price

6.    Highlight the field, Drag and Drop it next to any Column field eg.Amount

7.    Click Save

Step 3: Create theSales Order

1.    Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Order

2.    Select the Customer and all mandatory fields

3.    On the Items tab > selectthe Item*

*Make sure that the Item has a BasePrice set on the Item Record > Sales/Pricing tab  

Upon adding of the item, the value onthe custom column field will show the Base Price of the Item from the Itemrecord

4.    Click Save




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