Saturday, November 10, 2018

Restrict Published Search Result by Vendor Record to Only Show the Information that is for that Particular Vendor

User published a search (e.g. Vendor Search) in the Vendor Center to display Vendor Information (similar to Customer Profile in the Customer Center). However, when Vendor runs the search the result shows information for all Vendors.

Setup below:

Web Site tab (Type: Presentation) | Lists > Web Site > Tabs:


Published Search (Lists > Web Site > Publish Saved Search): 


Published Search from the Vendor Center:


To restrict the search (e.g. Vendor search), perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches.

2. Edit the Search.

3. In the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, add Login Audit Trail Fields: User is - Mine - (Me).

4. Click Save & Run.

Updated published search (from the Vendor Center): 

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