Sunday, November 4, 2018

Web Analytics Information for WSDK (External) Sites

NetSuite Web Analytics for non-Netsuite hosted pages (WSDK) can only track information once the webstore shopper reaches the Netsuite pages - in this case the Cart & Checkout pages.

Under the Marketing tab on the Customer/Lead record, only the Referrer (1st visit), Clickstream (1st visit) and number of visits will be populated:

     - Referrer 1st Visit/Referrer - It does not display the whole item page URL, only the domain of the external site is captured. This is because Referrer & Keyword reporting is not yet supported for Non-NetSuite hosted sites.

     - Search Engine Keywords/Keywords - These fields will be empty as Referrer & Keyword reporting is not yet supported for Non-NetSuite hosted sites. This can work though if Search Engine references can get into the shopping cart URL.

     - Clickstream 1st Visit - It will only track & display the checkout page (ex: billing > shipping > payment > confirm.)

     - Page Hits = None, not yet supported

Note: Advanced Web Reports needs to be enabled in the account for Web Analytics data to be captured.

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