Monday, December 10, 2018

Get the total amount recognized for all amortization schedules as of a specific period

Total Amortized column found on Amortization Schedule List always shows the total amount amortized regardless of the period that users are viewing. To come up with the total amount recognized and posted for all amortization schedules as of a specific period, create a saved search using the following steps:

1. Navigate to List > Accounting > Amortization Schedules.

2. Click on Customize View.

3. Hit More Options on the Customize Amortization Schedules Search Results page.

4. Set the following on the Criteria Tab:

--Journal: Date is not Empty

--Formula (Date) and set the following on the pop up:

a. Field > Journal Fields > select Date

b. Formula Date = within > Custom > set the preferred date range

c. Hit Set

--Formula (Text) and set the following on the pop up:

a. Field > Journal Fields > select Document Status

b. Formula Text = contains > Approved

c. Hit Set

5. Set the following on the Results tab and set Summary Type for all as Group except for Amount, Journal Date and Journal Period:



--Schedule Name

--Template Name

--Amount (Schedule Total)

--Remaining Deferred Balance

--Total Amortized

--Initial Amount

--Destination Account

--Transaction : Department

--Transaction : Memo

--Vendor: Name

--Transaction: Currency

--Journal: Date

--Journal: Period

--Amount > Summary Type = Sum

--Source Transaction

--Source Account

6. Set the Sort By field to Schedule Name and mark the Show Totals box on the Results tab.

To confirm the correct balances, run the Income Statement for the period coverage which is the same with the date range set on the Formula Date field of the search criteria tab.  

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