Friday, January 18, 2019

Create a Search Detailing Breakdown of the Outstanding Balance Pertaining to the Inventory Received Not Billed Account

To determine the breakdown of the Inventory Received Not Billed outstanding balance, the user needs to create a custom Transaction Saved Search.

Here are the steps to create the Saved Search:

1. Navigate to Reports>Saved Searches >All Saved Searches>New

2. Select Search Type = Transaction

3. Type in the desired title of the search under the Search Title field

4. Navigate to the Criteria tab>Standard subtab>Filter column. Add the Following fields:

a. Account = is Inventory Received Not Billed

b. Posting = is true

-Navigate to Criteria tab>Summary subtab:

a. Summary Type: Sum | Field: Amount | Amount : not equal to | Value: 0.00

-Navigate to Results tab:

a. Sort By: Created From

b. Then By: Date

c. Then By: Type

d. Mark the box next to the Show Totals field

5. Navigate to Results tab>Columns subtab>Field column. Add the following field:

a. Date

b. Created From | Summary Type: Group | Custom Label: PO Number

c. Created From Fields…>Status | Custom Label: PO Status

d. Field: Formula (Numeric) | Summary Type: Sum | Function: Round To Hundredths | Formula: case when {type} = 'Bill' then {amount} else 0 end | Custom Label: Bill | Summary Label: Bill

e. Field: Formula (Numeric) | Summary Type: Sum | Function: Round To Hundredths | Formula: case when {type} = 'Item Receipt' then {amount} else 0 end | Custom Label: Item Receipt | Summary Label: Item Receipt

f. Field: Formula (Numeric) | Summary Type: Sum | Function: Round To Hundredths | Formula: case when {type} = 'Journal' then {amount} else 0 end | Custom Label: Journal Entry | Summary Label: Journal Entry

g. Field: Formula (Numeric) | Summary Type: Sum | Function: Round To Hundredths | Formula: case when {type} = 'Currency Revaluation' then nvl({grossamount},0) else 0 end | Custom Label: Currency Revaluation | Summary Label: Currency Revaluation

h. Field: Amount | Summary Type: Sum | Custom Label: Inventory Received Not Billed Balance | Summary Label: Inventory Received Not Billed Balance

6. Navigate to Available Filters tab>Filters column. 

7. Add the field: Date and mark the box under the Show in Footer column next to the field added. 

Note: The purpose for adding this is so that you will have a dynamic filter for the transaction date ranges when viewing the Search Results          

8. Hit Save & Run button.


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