Thursday, February 21, 2019

Create Fields that show when a Transaction/Record was created

Create Fields to show Date when a Transaction/Record is Created


Transaction RecordCreateDate


1.  Navigate to:

Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Transaction Body Fields/ Item Fields / CRM Fields > New


2.     Fill in Label.


3.      Store Value = F


4.      Type = Date


5.      Applies to Tab = to theTransaction/Record this should be applied to.


6.      Validation and Defaulting Tab > Default Value =use Formula {createddate}


7.      Formula = T


8.      Save.



Entity Record DateCreated

1.  Navigate to:

Customization> Lists, Records & Fields >Entity Fields > New


2.     Fill in Label


3.      Store Value = F


4.      Type = Date


5.      Applies to Tab = to the Entityrecord this should be applied to.


6.      Validation and Defaulting Tab > Default Value = use Formula {datecreated}


7.      Formula = T


8.      Save

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