Monday, February 18, 2019

Customize Payroll Report to Show All Transactions per Employee, Payroll Items and Amounts for a Given Date or Period

Currently Payroll Detail Report shows only transactions per employee and per payroll item type. We can customize Payroll Summary to view all payroll transactions per payroll item in given date or period for an employee.

This report is useful when creating payroll adjustments.

Steps to customize Payroll Summary


1.    Reports > Payroll Summary > Customize

2.    Click Edit Columns > Enter "Wage" on the Search Field and hit Search

3.    Click Taxable Wage Base

4.    Click Taxed Wage Base

5.    Click Edit Columns

6.    Click Payroll Transactions folder

7.    Click Employee Folder

8.    Click Name

9.    On the Report Preview pane, drag the Name Column at the extreme left portion of the pane

10.  Click Edit Columns

11.  Click Payroll Transactions folder

12.  Click Dates

13.  On the Report Preview pane, move the Date Column at the right side next to Name Column

14.  Group the Payroll Item Type and Payroll Item with other column

15.  Remove the Check on compute total in Total Column

16.  Click Sort Column

17.  Click Transaction folder

18.  Click Date

19.  Add the Date and move the Date Filter at the most top portion

20.  Hit Preview



1.    You may filter the report per employee

2.    Click Filters

3.    Click Transactions folder

4.    Click Employees folder

5.    Click Name

6.    Select any name on the list

7.    Put a check mark on show on footer.

8.    Hit Preview

See Sample Screenshot below

1 comment:

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