Thursday, February 21, 2019

Force a Password Reset for Specific Employees Using CSV Import

The following steps outline how to force a password reset for a specific list of employees by performing a CSV import update.

Create a saved search of employees:
1. List > Search > Saved Search > New.
2. Select Employee.
3. Criteria tab > Specify your criteria.
4. Results tab > Remove all > Select the field Internal ID.
5. Save and Run to view the results.

Export the search results:
1. Click the button Export - CSV.
2. Open the downloaded CSV file in Excel.
3. Add a column named Password Change.
4. Populate the field in the Password Change. column with the word TRUE.
5. Save the Excel CSV file.

Perform a CSV update:
1. Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.
2. Import Type = Employees.
3. Click Select > Open your CSV file.
4. Click Next.
5. Select Update.
6. Click Next.
7. Map Internal ID to Internal ID if not already mapped.
8. Map Password Change to Require Password Change on Next Login.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Run.

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