Saturday, March 2, 2019

Sales Order Saved Search: Show Amount Unbilled Net of Tax and Shipping

1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.

2. Select Transaction in the list.

3. Enter a Search Title.

4. Under the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, set the following filters:
a. Type is Sales Order
b. Tax Line is false
c. Shipping Line is false
d. Amount Unbilled is greater than 0

5. Under the Results tab > Columns subtab, add the following:
a. Field = Date 
Summary Type =  Group

b. Field = Period
Summary Type =  Group

c. Field = Number
Summary Type =  Group

d. Field = Name
Summary Type =  Group

e. Field = Field = Formula (Numeric)
Summary Type =  Maximum
Formula = {totalamount}-nvl({taxtotal},0)-nvl({shippingamount},0)
Summary Label = SO Amount (net of tax & freight)

f. Field = Formula (Numeric)
Summary Type =  Sum
Formula = (case when {applyingtransaction.type} = 'Invoice' then {applyingtransaction.netamount} else 0 end)/2
Summary Label = Amount Billed (net of tax & freight)

g. Field = Formula (Numeric)
Summary Type =  Maximum
Formula = MAX({totalamount}-nvl({taxtotal},0)-nvl({shippingamount},0))-SUM((case when {applyingtransaction.type} = 'Invoice' then {applyingtransaction.netamount} else 0 end)/2)
Summary Label = Unbilled Amount Net of Tax & Freight

6. Save & Run.

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