Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Custom Field to Display the Date the Last Message was Sent

User wants to create a custom field on the Customer record that displays the Date of the Last Message sent from the record. They can choose to create a search and display the last messages of a group of customers (Option A) or create a custom field in the customer records (Option B) that displays the date of the last message sent to that customer


Option A.    Create a Customer Saved Search.


1.    Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.

2.    Select Customer.

3.    In the Results tab, add Messages: Date and set the Summary Type to Maximum.

4.  Name set Summary Type to Group.

5.    In the Available Filters tab, add Internal ID.

6.    Provide a Title and click on Save.


Option B.    Create a Custom Entity Field.


1.    Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Entity Fields > New.

2.    Provide a name (example: Last Message Date).

3.    Set the Type to Free-Form Text.

4.    Set the Store Value to False.

5.    In the Applies To tab, mark Customer.

6.    In the Display tab, select Main subtab.

7.    In the Validation & Defaulting tab and select the name of the saved search created above in the Search dropdown.

8.    Click on Save.



Note: This also applies to other records like Contacts, Employees and Transactions records like Estimates and Sales Orders.

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