1. Navigate to Reports > Sales Orders > Sales Orders by Item > Customize Detail
2. Enter the preferred report name
3. At the Edit Columns heading, do the following ---
-----a. At the Report Preview window, click on the first pencil icon and uncheck the Group box at the bottom of the columns. This will allow all columns to be displayed separately (there are around 9 columns at this point)
-----b. Highlight the following columns, then click Remove column:
* Item Type
* Serial Numbers
* Amount (Alt. Sales)
-----c. Add the following columns by clicking on the Folders at the left side of the window
* Client/Project ( Bookings folder > Customer/Job folder > Name )
* Unit Price (Bookings folder > Unit Price )
After doing step 3, you should now have the following columns at the Report Preview window:
-- Item
-- Type
-- Date
-- Num
-- Qty. Sold
-- Amount
-- Client/Project
-- Unit Price
4. Highlight the Customer/Job column and drag until it becomes the first column (Left click mouse and hold to drag to position). Then check the Group box. Change the column label field as preferred.
5. Do the same for the Date field. Drag and place before the Type column.
6. Do the same for the Unit Price field. Drag and place before the Amount column.
7. At the Filters heading, add the following filter by clicking on the folder at the left side ---
* Item ( Bookings folder > Item )
----- Under the Value column, set filter: equal to and just select any item from the list.
----- Check box under the Show in Footer column
8. At the More Options heading, change the description as necessary.
9. Click on Save
Result : This will now generate a report that can be filtered by item per customer.
-- If you cannot see the Item filter, click on the double arrow icon at the right side of the To Date field.
-- When you select another item for the filter, you would have to click the Refresh button for the new report to be generated.
-- Since we selected Any of as an item filter, this report will generate per item. If you want all items to display, remove the filter
-- Beside the Print button at the bottom right side of the screen, there are two icons with green arrows. These are used to expand or condense the selection. Only the last level will display the specifics.
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