When creating a new Marketing template (either CRMSDK Templates or Scriptable Templates) you will encounter a warning prompt "The From Name field cannot contain apostrophes, quotation marks, commas, semicolon, or greater than or less than signs." If the From Name you entered includes special characters such as apostrophes, quotation marks, commas, semicolon, or greater than or less than signs.
As an alternative we can use the following HTML codes below so we can enter a From Name with those special characters.
Symbol | Name | HTML code |
" | double quotes / quotation marks | " |
' | single quote / apostrophe | ' |
, | comma | , |
; | semicolon | ; |
< | less than sign | < |
> | greater than sign | > |
I.e. users want to enter "John, Bill and Ted's Campaign" in the From Name field of your Marketing Email Template. NetSuite will not let you enter that name per se because it contains a comma (,) and an apostrophe ('). We'll use the HTML code , (for the comma) and ' (for the apostrophe) between the letters so it will show the From Name as "John, Bill and Ted's Campaign".
1. Lists > Marketing > Marketing Templates > New.
2. Click Campaign.
3. Select either CRMSDK Templates or Scriptable Templates.
4. In the Marketing tab > From Name field > enter "John, Bill and Ted's Campaign".
5. Click Save.
6. Once saved, it will show that the entry in the From Name is now "John, Bill and Ted's Campaign".
7. In the email preview you will receive, you'll notice that the From field of the email message will show John, Bill and Ted's Campaign.
8. Go back to Campaign Template and click Edit
9. You don't have to do anything and just click Save
10. The 2nd email preview you will receive will now show "John, Bill and Ted's Campaign" as the From name in your email client.
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