Sunday, June 9, 2019

CSV import throws ‘You do not have permissions to edit this transaction’ using Administrator Role.

This error occurs when the user attempts to update records during closed period. Since the period is already closed, the 'Edit' button is no longer showing. This gives the user inability to edit the record even if he/she is using Administrator Role.

To solve, User must check the 'Allow Non-G/L Changes' checkbox in the related closed period (January) before doing the CSV Import:

1. Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting Periods
2. Edit the closed period.
3. Check the 'Allow Non-G/L Changes'
4. Save
5. Do the CSV import again 

Note: The system will allow user to make the changes if the change is not affecting the GL Impact, otherwise he/she will be receiving error pertaining to GL Impact due to closed period. If user wants to push the GL Impact, closed period must be reopened.

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