Saturday, July 6, 2019

Resolve Unexpected Error On Fulfillment When Location on Fulfillment Record is Different than the Location in UPS account


- The location for all line items on Item fulfillment has been selected.

 - NetSuite tries to match this location with the locations specified on UPS account.

- NetSuite does not use the location on the Item Fulfillment header if there are locations specified on item lines.


1) You may change the location on fulfillment item lines by navigating to Transactions -> Sales -> Item Fulfillment or by clicking the Fulfill button from the sales order to match the location on UPS account in order to process the fulfillment and generate a shipping label automatically.

2) You may also consider hiding the location field on item lines on VRA (Transactions -> Customers -> Issue Vendor Return Authorizations -> List ) and Item Fulfillment ( Transactions -> Sales -> Item Fulfillment). This way, the system will use the location on VRA header form to generate the shipment which should match the location on set up shipping for the UPS Account.

In order to hide locations field, click on the customize link on the Item Fulfillment form.

Click on Screen Fields -> Columns -> Uncheck Show on Location.

3) Alternatively, you may create a UPS account without specifying a location on it. This account can then be used even if there is no location match based on the shipping setup. This way, the location that you specify on any of the records will not be used to read the UPS account for the purpose of generating shipping labels.


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