Friday, October 19, 2018

Custom Formula field shows in Item Fulfillment but not in Packing Slip print out

User created a custom formula field in the Item Fulfillment. The formula will pull up the Total Amount of the Sales Order.

The value of that fields show when user views the Item Fulfillment however, when user prints the Packing Slip, the custom formula field prints blank.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields  > Transaction Body Fields > New.
2. Enter Label Name = Formula Field.
3. Type = Currency
4. Applies To = check the Item Fulfillment | Print on Packing Slip.
5. Display = Subtab = Main.
6. Store Value = F
7. Validation & Defaulting = Formula = T | Default Value = {}
7. Click Save.

View any Item Fulfillment and notice that the field will show the value. Print Packing Slip, the field is blank.


This is by design since custom formula field requires the Store Value to be unchecked to calculate the value.

As an alternate solution, user can create Workflow to enter the formula that user needs for that field.

Steps to Reproduce:
A. Create a Custom Transaction Body Field.
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields  > Transaction Body Fields > New.
2. Enter Label Name = Formula Field.
3. Type = Currency
4. Applies To = check the Item Fulfillment | Print on Packing Slip.
5. Display = Subtab = Main.
6. Store Value = T
7. Click Save.

B. Create the Workflow to enter the formula needed.
1. Navigate to Customization > Scripting > Workflow > New.
2. Enter Workflow Name = Sales Order Total Amount in Item Fulfillment.
3. Record Type = Transaction.
4. Sub Types = Item Fulfillment.
5. Release Status = Released.
6. Event Based - On Create = T.
7. Click Save.
8. Click on New State.
9. Name = Formula.
10. Click Save.
11. Click New Action.
12. Choose Type = Set Field Value.
13. Under Parameters, Field = select the custom field created in Step#A (Formula Field).
14. Under Value, click on From Field, Record = Current Record.
15. Set the Formula = {}.
16. Click Save.

View any Item Fulfillment and the field shows the value. Print the Packing Slip and it will print the value as well.




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