Friday, November 16, 2018

Customize Report> Multiple Department/Class/Location filters set disappears when date filter is changed


Reporting > Reports with Location/Department/Class/Customer dropdowns: When customized for the second time, report with Location/Department/Class/Customer filter set to multiple values loses all values for this filter except one.


  • Reports > Financial > Customize Report.
  • Filters > Retain Report Component > Field = Location/Department/Class > Value = All.
  • Click on the Budget and Financial Folder on the left pane > Open Location/Department/Class Subfolder > choose Name > enter the multiple values for this classification
  • Preview/Save Report.
  • Change the date range > refresh > this should still show only the information for the department/class/locations that we selected in the filters.
  • You can double-check by choosing Column = Department/Class/Location > choose any date range > refresh.


This is the workaround for Enhancement 82678.

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