Thursday, December 6, 2018

Display or Print Created From Field on Invoice and Display only the Sales Order Number

Currently the Created From field on Invoice form or other transaction like Estimate shows the transaction type and transaction number.  Below is the alternate solution to show only the transaction number.


1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsTransaction Body Fields > New

2. Provide the Label (e.g.) CREATED FROM

3. Set Type to Free-Form Text

4. Uncheck the Store Value checkbox

5. Under Applies To tab select Sale

6. Under Validation & Defaulting, check the Formula checkbox

7. Then in the Default Value box, enter this formula:


8. Click Save & Apply to Forms


Note: The number on the formula varies on the transaction label used the end user.  This is filed as an enhancement under Issue 194187.

1 comment:

  1. My solution was to switch to code view at the advanced pdf layout froms, and put {record.createdfrom} between the tags, where you want to show the field on the printed page. Works like magic. :)
