Sunday, February 24, 2019

Add New Transaction (e.g. 'New Sales Order') hyperlink to a Saved Transaction Search Results

Add New Transaction (e.g. 'New Sales Order') hyperlink to a Saved Transaction Search Results


1.    Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New

2.    Select Transactions

3.    Set the required filters under Criteria Tab > Standard Subtab

4.    Add below Formula (Text) under Results Tab > Column Subtab:

         Formula (Text) || Formula: ***copy below formula***


'<a href='||{internalid}||'&whence=> New Sales Order </a>'


5.    Enter a Search Title

6.    Click Save & Run


NOTE: This is also applicable with other transactions like Invoice, Cash Sale etc. Just follow the below format:

'<a href='||{internalid}||'&whence=> __________ </a>'  

Replace the first blank (transactions/ with the following:

         For Invoice =  custinvc

         For Cash Sale = cashsale

         For Credit Memo = custcred

         For Return Authorization = rtnauth

User can rename the label by replacing the second blank (||' > __________ </a>' ) with the transaction name (e.g. ||' > New Invoice </a>')

For other transactions, please pull one sample record of it and from the URL, get the name of the Record between /transactions/ and .nl? (transactions/

User can also do this on the Customer Saved Search


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