Friday, February 22, 2019

Compute the Age in Days Spent per Each Opportunity Status on an Opportunity Saved Search

To determine the number of days the Opportunity spent PER CHANGE of status (not on every change), you can create a saved search by following the steps below:

1. Navigate to Reports> Saved searches > All Saved Searches > New > Opportunity

2. On the Criteria tab, set the following:

- Formula = CASE {entitystatus} WHEN {systemnotes.newvalue} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
- Formula (Numeric) = equal to
- Value = 1

* Add other Criteria as deemed necessary.

3. On the Results tab, set the following:

- Document Number
- Title
- Formula (Date) > Function = Age in Days

* Add Formula and Custom label as below for each desired Opportunity status:

- Formula (Date) > Function = Age in Days
Formula : DECODE ({systemnotes.newvalue}, 'Status1', {},NULL)
Custom Label: Age in Status1

- Formula (Date) > Function = Age in Days
Formula: DECODE ({systemnotes.newvalue}, 'Status2', {},NULL)
Custom Label: Age in Status2

DECODE ({systemnotes.newvalue}, 'Status3', {},NULL)
Custom Label: Age in Status3

DECODE ({systemnotes.newvalue}, 'Status4', {},NULL)
Custom Label: Age in Status4

DECODE ({systemnotes.newvalue}, 'Status5', {},NULL)
Custom Label: Age in Status5

4. Click Save and Run

Note: This is related to Enhancement 133627.

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