Saturday, February 23, 2019

Create Published Saved Search for Items Purchased on the Web Store by Customer

Follow these instructions to create a page on the Web Store that shows a list of items the customer has purchased.  It will also add links to the items.  This search can also be used to create differently types of results (Eg Add additional criteria such as Date to the search to have it show only recently purchased items).

1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New

2. Click on Transaction

3. Check the checkbox for Public and name the search

3. Under Criteria Tab
    -Type is Sales order
    -Name is - Mine -
    -Item Fields > Display in Web Site is true
    -Item Fields > Inactive is false
    -Item Fields > Type is any of Assembly/Bill of Materials, Download Item, Gift Cerficiate, Inventory Item, Item Group, Kit/Package, Non-inventory Item, Service

4. Under Results Tab
    -Check the checkbox for Run Unrestricted and also check Disallow Drill Down
    -Formula (Text).  Set the Summary Type to Group.  Set the formula to:

    -Save the search

5. Navigate to Lists > Web Site > Published Saved Search > New
    -Select the Search that was just created and other mandatory fields
    -Uncheck the box for Display in Web Site
    -In the Audience tab select the default Customer Center role.  This will ensure that the option doesn't show up for customers not logged in yet since they won't have any purchases yet.
    -Save the record

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