Thursday, May 2, 2019

Computation of Calculated Upside Value in Sales Rep Forecast

The Calculated Upside (High Forecast Name) is based on what values are entered under "Forecast Type" and "Probability".

1. The percentage of "Probability" varies based on Status:

 - Status = Probability

- In Discussion = 20%

- Identified Decision Makers = 30%

- Proposal = 50%

- In Negotiation = 75%

- Purchasing = 90%

- Closed Won = 100%

~ This means if value in "Maybe" or "Upside" column is 1,000.00 and status is Proposal, then only 50% is carried over which should be 500.00.

2. If an opportunity is converted into an estimate > the opportunity will show zero amount and it will be carried by the estimate.

3. If an estimate is converted into a sales order > both opportunity & estimate will be removed and the amount will be carried by the sales order.

4. If the Forecast Type of the opportunity is Omitted, zero amount will be displayed in Calculated : Definitely, Probably & Maybe fields.

5. If the Forecast Type set to the highest level ("Definitely" or  "Worst Case"), the amount will be included in Calculated : Definitely, Probably & Maybe fields.

6. If the Forecast Type set to the second level ("Probably" or "Most Likely"), the amount will show in both Calculated : Probably & Maybe fields.

7. If the Forecast Type set to the lowest level ("Maybe" or "Upside"), the amount will show only in Calculated : Maybe field.

Take note of Percentage values under the Probability column which calculates the percentage of the equivalent amount.


Edit a particular Forecast, change the values selected under "Forecast Type" & "Status", notice that the amount in Calculated : Definitely, Probably & Upside fields will automatically change as well. 









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