Follow the steps below to create a Formula (Numeric) for Saved Search results:
2. On the Results tab > Columns subtab, Add:
- Field = Formula (Numeric)
- Formula = CASE WHEN {field for comparsion} < 0 THEN 0 ELSE {field for comparsion} END
Example: When a user does not want to display negative Transaction Amounts in Saved Search results, the Formula will be:
- CASE WHEN {amount} < 0 THEN 0 ELSE {amount} END
If one wanted to use a formula for your field for comparison how would that work?
ReplyDeleteloosely - this doesn't work - but I am sure it is just a syntax thing -
CASE WHEN Sum({durationdecimal}) - (40.00) <0 THEN 0 ElSE Sum({durationdecimal}) - (40.00)