Thursday, March 28, 2019

NetSuite for Outlook Error: "undefined.undefined - TypeError: "Cannot read property 'response Text' of undefined" when saving Outlook Sync Configuration

Steps to Reproduce (Administrator):
A. Create a custom role.
1. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
2. Customize a custom role. (Ex. Sales Person)
3. Change the name to Sales, Person or Sales < Person or Sales > Person.
4. Save.

B. Create Outlook Sync Configuration.
1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Outlook Sync Configurations.
2. Click New button or click the Copy link of --Default--.
3. Enter Sync Configuration Name.
4. Click the custom role from step A in the Available box.
5. Click the right arrow button in the middle of the window to put the role in the Selected box.
6. Check any check box under Record Types.
7. Proceed with configuration until 6 of 6.
8. Click Save.

Result: Error: "undefined.undefined - TypeError: "Cannot read property 'response Text' of undefined"

In some cases, the error encountered is:
"undefined.undefined - TypeError: "operation.response is undefined"

Remove the , or < or > from custom role name.
Follow step B to create outlook sync configuration.
Edit the custom role to put the special character back.

The following characters do not cause error:
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] | : ; ' " \ / . ?


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