Saturday, September 15, 2018

Add View and Edit links on the Search Results page when results are grouped

Problem/Business Requirement/Unique Question:

Add View and Edit links on the Search Results page when results are grouped.


Symptoms/Details of Business Requirements/Any Additional Information:

- User has created a customer search and added a column that would display the user who last modified the customer record.

- The steps for displaying the Last Modified By on a customer search are as follows:

On the Results tab > Columns sub tab, add the following fields:

1. ID : set Summary Type to Group
2. Name : set Summary Type to Group
3. Formula Text : Formula = max(to_char(substr({},1,4000)))keep(dense_rank last order by{}): Set Summary Type to Maximum

- Since the columns on the Results tab have summary types, the View and Edit links are unavailable. The customer would like to be able to access the customer records immediately without having to drill down on the results.


Solution/Workaround/Gotcha/Recommendation Details:

1. Edit the customer search.

2. On the Results > Columns, add a Formula (Text) field.

3. Formula should be:

4. Set Summary Type to Maximum
5. Set Summary Label to Edit l View.

6. Preview/Run the search.

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