Sunday, September 9, 2018

Create 3 Custom Lists that are Interdependent with One Another

Create 3 custom lists that are interdependent with one another.


For example:

- If a user creates 3 custom lists by navigating to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >  Lists > New and create custom Item fields that sources the list shown below, they would like it to function like this:


A. If the user selected a value in the Item Field A, the values in Item field B and C will be dependent on what was selected in Item field A.

B. The values in the Item Field A have corresponding values in the custom lists that were made available.


Here are the steps:

I. Create 3 custom lists.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >  Lists > New.

2. Enter a label for each custom list (e.g. Parent Item Category List, Sub Item Category List, Sub Item Category 2 List.)

- On the Values tab, enter the following values below:


Parent Item Category List

            • Parent Item Category 1

            • Parent Item Category 2

            • Parent Item Category 3


Sub Item Category List

            • Sub Item Category A

            • Sub Item Category B

            • Sub Item Category C


Sub Item Category 2 List

            • Sub Item Category 2 A

            • Sub Item Category 2 B

            • Sub Item Category 2 C


II. Edit the 3 custom lists and set Convert to Custom Record= T >Click Save.


III. Edit the custom record type= Parent Item Category List.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >  Record Types > click on Parent Item Category List.

2. On the Fields tab, click New Field button.

3. Enter a label (e.g. Parent Category)

4. Type= Multiple Select

5. Lists/Record= Sub Item Category List

6. Store Value= T

7. Click Save


IV. Edit the custom record type= Sub Item Category List

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >  Record Types > click on Sub Item Category List

2. On the Fields tab, click New Field button.

3. Enter a label (e.g. Sub Category 1)

4. Type= Multiple Select

5. Lists/Record= Sub Item Category List 2.

6. Store Value= T

7. Click Save


V. Select all options available in Parent Item Category field

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >  Record Types > click Lists on Parent Item Category List

2. Click Edit on Parent Item Category 1

3. Select all of the options available.

4. Click Save


5. Click Edit on Parent Item Category 2

6. Select Sub Item Category B and C

7. Click Save


8. Click Edit on Parent Item Category 3

9. Select Sub Item Category C

10. Click Save


VI. Edit the list for custom record type= Sub Item Category.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >  Record Types > click Lists on Sub Item Category.

2. Click Edit on Sub Item Category A

3. In the Sub Item field, select Sub Item Category 2 A

4. Click Save.


5. Click Edit on Sub Item Category B

6. In the Sub Item field, select Sub Item Category 2 B

7. Click Save


8. Click Edit on Sub Item Category A

9. In the Sub Item field, select Sub Item Category 2 C

10. Click Save


VII. Create 3 custom item fields.

A. Create custom item field with label= Parent Item Category field.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >  Item Fields > New.

2. Enter a label (e.g. Parent Item Category field)

3. Type= List/Record

4. Lists/Record= Parent Item Category List

5. Store Value= T

6. Applies to= Inventory Item

7. Display= Main

8. Click Save.


B. Create custom item field with Label= Sub Category Item Field

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >  Item Fields > New.

2. Enter a label (e.g. Sub Category Item Field)

3. Type= Lists/Record

4. Lists/Record= Sub Item Category List

5. Applies to= Inventory Item

6. Display=  Main

7. Sourcing and Filtering tab, use the following options below:

            • Source Lists= Parent Item Category field

            • Source From= Parent Category


8. Click Save


C. Create custom item field with Label= Sub Category Item Field 2

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields >  Item Fields > New.

2. Enter a label (e.g. Sub Category Item Field 2)

3. Type= Lists/Record

4. Lists/Record= Sub Item Category List 2

5. Applies to= Inventory Item

6. Display= Main

7. Sourcing and Filtering tab, use the following options below:

            • Source Lists= Sub Category Item Field

            • Source From= Sub Category 1

8. Click Save


Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Items > New, there should now be 3 new fields in the main portion of the page. When user selects a value in the Parent field, the values in the other 2 fields are limited to what was set above.



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