Saturday, September 15, 2018

Error Message: Permission Violation: This contact does not belong to your group when Saving a New Contact Record

Setup of the Custom Role:

  • Center Type = Sales Center
  • Sales Role is checked
  • Employee Restrictions is Own and Subordinates Only
  • Contacts Level Permission is Full

The Employee record is set as Sales Rep (Human Resources tab). Error message is returned when user creates a new Contact from Lists > Relationships > Contacts > New. The user can create new Contact from a Customer record where user is the Sales Rep.

If the user is creating a contact with the Company field blank, it generates the error message. The Contact record is being treated under the Category Unassigned. Since the Employee Restriction is set to Own and Subordinates only, user does not have permission to view any record under the Unassigned Category.

To resolve this, perform the following steps:

     1. Log in as Administrator.
     2. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
     3. Edit the custom role.
     4. Set the Employee Restrictions field to Own, Subordinates and Unassigned.
     5. Click Save.

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