Saturday, September 8, 2018

Illustrate the Behaviors Associated With Custom List Permission

A user's ability to set up Custom Lists in NetSuite is controlled by the Custom Lists permission set on theuser's role.

To set up the Custom Lists permissionfor a role:
1. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
2. Customize/Edit the role.
3. Under Permissions tab, click the Setup subtab.
4. Add/Remove the Custom Lists permission and set Level accordingly(see table below)
5. Click Save.

Below table illustrates how users can set upcustom lists (Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Lists)depending on their level of permission.

Perrmission Level View Access? Create Access? Edit Access Delete Access?
Behavior 1 None        
Behavior 2 View X      
Behavior 3 Create X X    
Behavior 4 Edit X X X  
Behavior 5 Full X X X X

Consider this scenario:

  • User John Doe owns at least one Custom List which he created in the past using Role A
  • Administrator assigns John Doe with a more restricted role called Role B which does not have the Custom Lists permission

When John Doe logs in using RoleB, the following behaviors can be observed:

Behavior 6: User can still navigate to Customization > Lists,Records, & Fields > Lists.
Behavior 7: User can view, edit or delete thecustom lists he owns but cannot create a new one.
Behavior 8: User can view the custom lists ownedby other users but cannot edit or delete any of them.

To completely remove John Doe's access to custom lists, the Administrator must change the owner of the custom lists currently owned by John Doe.
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists,Records, & Fields > Lists and refer to the Owner column.
2. Select the first custom list assigned to John Doe.
3. Change the Owner to someone else.
4. Click Save and perform the same steps to the rest of the custom lists under John Doe's name.

Dealing with CustomList Values:

Custom Lists are usually used for Custom Fields. For example, a Custom List called Color can be added as a Custom Field on Item records and different colors can be assigned for eachitem.

All the behaviors described aboveapply not only to the user's ability to set up Custom Lists  but also to theuser's ability to set up values for each Custom List, whether it is done fromthe Custom Fiel itself or from the Custom List setup page (Customization> Lists, Records, & Fields > Lists > {Custom List} > Values tab).

So to illustrate Behavior 3in the table above, a user can view the existing colors and even add new ones.User, however, cannot edit or delete the existing List of colors.

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