Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Multi Location Inventory=T and Direct List Editing= T: Reorder Point and Preferred Stock Level have pencil icons but are not editable in the item list


1. Reorder Point and the Preferred Stock Level being editable in the item list even if Direct List Editing is turned on is still an enhancement. If Multi Location Inventory is enabled, it is the system's design for the Preferred Stock Level and Reorder Point to not be editable eventhough there is a pencil icon because both are going to show a summation for all location. This is the reason why it is not available to edit, since it is adding all the reorder point and preferred stock level for all location. The system does not know where it will add or deduct the change of number that will be entered in the item list. Go to each location and put in the reorder point and preferred stock level to change the number.

2. If Multi Location Inventory is turned off, that is when the Preferred Stock Level and Reorder Point are editable.

3. Attach the case to Enhancement 102032.



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