Sunday, October 14, 2018

Adding NetSuite Customer Support Menu Option to the Support Tab

I. Convert the standard Support Tab to a Custom Center Tab.

1. Login as Administrator.
2. Click on the Support tab.
3. Click on Set Up Custom tab link.
4. Click Save.


II. Navigate to the SuiteAnswers page and copy the URL of the Contact Support By Phone.


III. Create a Custom Center Link.
1. Navigate to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Links.
2. Give it a name (e.g. Contact Support By Phone).
3. In the URL field, paste this URL:

4. Click Save.


IV. Add the Custom Center Link to the Custom Center Tab page created in Steps I.
1. Navigate to Customization > > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs
2. Click Support link.
3. In the Content Tab, click Edit on Customer Service.
4. Click on the Links menu. Then, look for the Custom Center Link (created in Steps III)
5. Assign a Label (e.g. Contact Support By Phone)
6. Click Done.
7. Click Save.


The Contact Us By Phone link should now become available when navigating to Support > Customer Service > Contact Support By Phone.

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