The following open Enhancement exists asking that this behavior be changed:
Enhancement 191845: List > Support > Cases > Select Customer > No Contact – Or a Contact with no email/phone selected > Manually enter Email(s)/Phone > Save > If Customer record's Email/Phone is blank it will be populated with the information entered in the Case form.
In order to prevent the Email/Phone Fields of a Customer Record from being updated, if they are blank, from the Email/Phone field values entered on the Case Record the following Alternate Solution can be considered.
Note: Usual use case of these are companies that don't store contact information (Phone/Email) on the Customer Record itself hence all contact information are in the Contact Records attached to the Customer Record, or entered manually on a Case Record.
The provided solution below is a combination of Custom Fields and SuiteScript:
1. Create 3 custom fields on the Case record
2. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > CRM Fields > New
Name: Customer Email Blank
ID: custevent_cust_email_blank
Type: Check Box
Applies To: Case
Display Type: Hidden
Click Save
Name: Customer Phone Blank
ID: custevent_cust_phone_blank
Type: Check Box
Applies To: Case
Display Type: Hidden
Click Save
Name: Customer Record
ID: custevent_is_cust
Type: Check Box
Applies To: Case
Display Type: Hidden
Click Save
3. Save the script below in a .js file and upload it under Document > Files > SuiteScripts
4. Create a new User Event Script Customization > Scripting > Scripts > New > User Event
Script File: "Select the uploaded file in the Suitescripts folder"
Name: Case Prevent Contact Info Copy
ID: customscript_case_prev_cont_copy
Before Submit: beforeSubmitCheckContactInfo
After Submit: afterSubmitCheckContactInfo
Click Save & Deploy
5. On the deployment page
Applies to: Case
ID: customdeploy_case_prev_cont_copy_dep
Deployed: Checked
Execute as admin: Checked
Status: Released
Log Level: Debug
Audience: Check All Roles
Click Save
function beforeSubmitCheckContactInfo(type, form)
//set the custom field which tags the record if it is a customer record or not
//created a try catch statement for the company field
//the company field can be a partner or a project record
//this will prevent errors from a mismatch load of record type
try {
//retrieves the company field and loads the record
var newRec = nlapiGetNewRecord();
var custid = newRec.getFieldValue('company');
var custRec = nlapiLoadRecord('customer', custid);
nlapiSetFieldValue('custevent_is_cust', 'T');
if (custRec != null && custRec != '') {
//checks the email value on the customer record
//checks the checkbox if it's blank else it wlll be unchecked
var email =custRec.getFieldValue('email');
if (email != '' && email != null)
nlapiSetFieldValue('custevent_cust_email_blank', 'F');
nlapiSetFieldValue('custevent_cust_email_blank', 'T');
//checks the phone value on the customer record
//checks the checkbox if it's blank else it wlll be unchecked
var phone =custRec.getFieldValue('phone');
if (phone != '' && phone != null)
nlapiSetFieldValue('custevent_cust_phone_blank', 'F');
nlapiSetFieldValue('custevent_cust_phone_blank', 'T');
catch (e) {
// check if the record error is a mismatch on the load
// log the id of the record and company field for audit purposes
// else it will throw an error in the UI with the actual error and log it
if (e.code == 'SSS_RECORD_TYPE_MISMATCH') {
nlapiLogExecution('AUDIT', 'Company is not a customer record', 'Case ID: ' +nlapiGetRecordId() +
' Company ID: ' +
else {
nlapiLogExecution('ERROR', 'Error Details', e.code + ' , ' + e.details);
throw e.code + ' : ' + e.details;
function afterSubmitCheckContactInfo(type, form)
//retrieves the new record and checks if it's a customer type of company
var newRec = nlapiGetNewRecord();
if (newRec.getFieldValue('custevent_is_cust') == 'T')
//retrieves the id of the company field for the submission of the field
var custid = newRec.getFieldValue('company');
//checks the tag if the phone is true
//then it will update the phone field on the customer record as blank
if (nlapiGetFieldValue('custevent_cust_email_blank') == 'T')
//checks the tag if the phone is true
//then it will update the phone field on the customer record as blank
if (nlapiGetFieldValue('custevent_cust_phone_blank') == 'T')
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