Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Add Customer's Name in the Bill To and Ship To Address on Sales Form Printout without Updating the Address of the Customer Record

When printing sales form (e.g. Sales Order or Invoice), the Name of the Customer does not appear in the Bill To and Ship To fields. This would happen when the Addressee field on the Bill To or Ship To Address of the Customer record is blank.

The user can update the Address to add the name of the Customer in the Addressee field. However, this would only reflect on newly created records. For existing records that were created prior to the update, user would have to toggle the Address in the sales record to see this update.

If the user does not want to manually update the Address in the Sales records, then the steps below would help.

 1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.
 2. Edit the preferred Sales Form (e.g. edit the preferred Sales Order form).
 3. Take note of the PDF Layout set in the form.
 4. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Form PDF Layouts.
 5. Edit the PDF Layout in Step# 3.
 6. Click the Bill To element. Take note of the Element Size (Width and Height) and Element Position (Top and Left).
 7. Set the Element Size (Width and Height) and Element Position (Top and Left) to 0.
 8. Click Add Custom Element. Set the following:
  Element Name: Bill To.
  Element Text:
  Show Label: Yes
 9. Click OK.
 10. Use the Element Size (Width and Height) and Element Position (Top and Left) noted in Step# 6.
 11. In the Element Label Style section, click B to make the Label Bold.
 12. Perform Steps 6 - 11 for the Ship To Element. Use {shipaddress} in the Element Text instead of {billaddress}.
 13. Once completed, click Save.
To test, print the sales form. 

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