Friday, January 4, 2019

Create Intercompany Journal Entry via scripting

This sample snippet demonstrates how you can create an Intercompany Journal Entry via scripting.

 var jeRec = nlapiCreateRecord('intercompanyjournalentry');
 jeRec.setFieldValue('subsidiary', 28);
 jeRec.setFieldValue('tosubsidiary', 8);

 //debit line for subsidiary ID 28
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'linesubsidiary', 28);
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'account', 11);
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'debit', 100);
 //credit line for subsidiary ID 28
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'linesubsidiary', 28);
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'account', 10);
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'credit', 100);
 //debit line for subsidiary ID 8
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'linesubsidiary', 8);
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'account', 11);
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'debit', 100);
 //credit line for subsidiary ID 8
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'linesubsidiary', 8);
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'account', 10);
 jeRec.setCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'credit', 100);

Add this snippet to the intended function and script type. Deploy this depending on how and when the user wants to send the email.

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1 comment:

  1. how we can tag the IC customer and IC vendor at line level.
