Create a Workflow
1. Navigate to Customization > Scripting > Workflows > New
2. Use the following workflow information:
- Name = Task Due Date (preferred label)
- Record Type = Task
- Release Status = "Choose preferred"
- Enable Logging = T
- Initiation:On Create = T
- Initiation:On Update = F
3. Click New State
4. Save as Change Due Date
5. Notice the page returning to the workflow screen
6. Click on Change Due Date State
7. Navigate to Actions tab and click new action
8. Use the following action information below:
- Type = Set Field Value
- Trigger On = After Record Submit
- Event Type = Create
- Context = User Interface
- Parameters:Field = Due Date
- Parameters:Value: Date = "four days from now" (any preferred dates such as future and past can be chosen)
- Condition:Due Date = Start Date
9. Save
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