Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Case Saved Search to list the Cases that were Escalated on a specified Time Frame and also the Escalatee

Case Saved Search to list the cases that were Escalated on a specified time frame and also the Escalatee.

This would also show the following:

  • Date when the case was escalated.
  • Escalatee/ to whom the case was escalated to.
  • Date it was De-escalated.

1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All saved searches > New
2. Select Case as Search Type.
3. Enter value for Search Title field (e.g. Cases By Priority.)
4. Under Criteria tab > Standard subtab, add filters if necessary.
5. Under Results tab > Columns subtab, add the following fields:

  • Number with Summary Type = Group
  • Formula (Text) with Summary Type = Maximum
    Formula :  TO_CHAR((CASE WHEN {systemnotes.newvalue} = 'Escalated' THEN {} ELSE NULL END),'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    Custom Label: Date/ Time Escalated
  • Formula (Text) with Summary Type = Maximum
    Formula :  CASE WHEN {systemnotes.field} = 'Escalatee' THEN {systemnotes.newvalue} ELSE NULL END
    Custom Label: Escalatee
  • Formula (Text) with Summary Type = Maximum
    Formula :  TO_CHAR(CASE WHEN {systemnotes.oldvalue} = 'Escalated' THEN {}ELSE NULL END,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    Custom Label: Date/ time De-escalated

6. Click Save and Run.

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