Saturday, February 16, 2019

Clear/Update the Credit Card Memo on Leads/Prospects/Customers via CSV Import

To clear or update the memo linked to leads' or customers' credit cards via CSV import, a user will only need to map three columns:

  • Entity Internal ID
  • Credit Card ID

  • Credit Card Memo

To do the import:

1. Navigate to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV records

2. Set the following:
    - Import Type = Relationships

    - Record Type = Leads Only (or Customers Only)

3. Upload your CSV file and click Next.

4. Set Data Handling = Update. 

5. Under Advanced Options, mark the Overwrite Missing Fields and click Next.

6. Map the CSV and NetSuite fields as follows:

Entity Internal ID <=> Internal ID

Credit Card ID <=> Credit Cards 1 : ID

Credit Card Memo <=> Credit Cards 1 : Memo

Note: Credit Card Memo column should be blank in the CSV file if the user intends to clear the credit card memo.

7. Click Next.

8. Provide an Import Name and click Save & Run.

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