Monday, February 25, 2019

Fulfill Sales Order using an International FedEx Integrated Shipping Label returns error Notice : ETD not allowed for origin or destination.

Fulfill Sales Order using an International FedEx Integrated Shipping Label returns error notice ETD not allowed for origin or destination.


Saving an Item Fulfillment record that ships internationally can result to an error ETD not allowed for origin or destination if the country to which the shipment is sent to does not accept FedEx ETD for inbound shipments.


FedEx Electronic Trade Documents (ETD) is only supported on certain countries. View the available list of countries on this link


Note: NetSuite does not provide these validations. These are provided by FedEx.


An enhancement request has been filed to address the limitation. See Issue 232068 - Fulfill Sales Order using FedEx > Notice: ETD not allowed for origin or destination.    

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