Friday, February 8, 2019

Report / Saved Search to Show which Serial Numbers are On Hand on Specific Bins

Since creating a Saved Inventory Detail Search is not possible via Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New, start by searching for a Serialized Item that uses Bins.

Pull up the Item Record > Inventory Detail > Click Customize View.
You will be taken to the Saved Inventory Detail Search Page.

1. Under Criteria Tab:

--On Hand is greater than 0
--Location : Inactive is false

2. Under Results Tab:
--Inventory Number : Item
--Bin Number
--Inventory Number
--On Hand

3. Available Filters: All set to Show in Filter Region = T
--Inventory Number : Item
--Inventory Number : Number
--Bin Number

4. Rename the Search.
5. You may choose to unmark the Available as Sublist View check box.
6. Save.

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