Sunday, February 10, 2019

Saved Search to show Serial Number per Bin

It is critical for some business to track Serial Numbers and to know what is on hand and to what stack / bin these Serial Numbers are located. This is accomplished by creating a Saved Search:

1.    Navigate to Transactions > Management > Saved Searches > New

2.    Select Item

3.    On the Criteria tab add the following fields:

•         Is Serialized Item = Yes

•         Inventory Number Fields>On Hand is greater than 0

•         Formula(Numeric) = CASE WHEN {inventorydetail.inventorynumber} = {inventorynumber.inventorynumber} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END is equal to 1

•         Formula(Numeric) = CASE WHEN {inventorydetail.binnumber} = {binnumber.binnumber} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END is equal to 1

4.    On the Results tab add the following fields:

•         Name

•         Inventory Number Fields>Number

•         Inventory Detail Fields>Bin Number

•         Inventory Number Fields>On Hand

5.    Hit Save and Run

Note as well that this is possible for users who have Advanced Bin Management feature turned on. The Inventory Detail record creates a link between the Inventory Numbers and the Bin Numbers. Without this, the ability to track Inventory Number per Bin Number is still not possible and is filed as Enhancement# 168059.

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