Sunday, February 3, 2019

Troubleshooting Payroll Error Code 11111

The below table lists the common Error code 11111 messages and the Resolution.

To verify the error code 11111 message that is being encountered:

1.    Navigate to Set up > Payroll > Update Payroll information.

2.    Click on the To Resolve tab.




Error Code: 11111 XML parsing error: An invalid character was found in text content

Missing rate for a Payroll item

e.g. 401k items


Enter the rate of the 401k item

Error Code 11111 "The INSERT statement the conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint FK_EmployeesWorkInformation_CompaniesOffices1". The conflict occurred in database "webservice_prod", table "dbo.Persons", column 'companiesOfficesKey'

Workplace entered is not being recognized by the system.


Create a new workplace with same information but using a different name

Error 11111 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_CompaniesEarningCodes". The conflict occurred in database "webservice_prod",table "dbo.v2ValidEarningCodes",column  


Note : Error is now showing as There are earning codes that need to be mapped or inactivated. Payroll item was created without a pay code.

Payroll item for earnings have no Pay code when it was created


Edit the payroll item and add the applicable pay code.

Error 11111: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_CompaniesDeductionCodes_v2ValidDeductionCodes1". The conflict occurred in database "webservice_prod", table "dbo.v2ValidDeductionCodes", column 'validDeductionCodesKey'..


Note : Error is now showing as There are deduction codes that need to be mapped or inactivated. Payroll item was created without a pay code.


Error 11111: The error description is 'An invalid character was found in text content.'. The XML parse error 0xc00ce508 occurred on line number 1

Note: There's a special characters on the Employee's name

Payroll item Employer contribution/Deduction  has no pay code


Edit the payroll item and add the applicable pay code.

Edit the employee name and remove the special character.



To resolve this error messages:
1. Click on the item name unmapped active xxxxx under the record column of the to resolve tab.
2. The next window is redirected to the Map payroll items window.
3. Select the pay code for the payroll item.
4. Update the Payroll information Navigate to Set up > Payroll > Update payroll information.
Tick Agree and commit the updates.
5. Error Message should no longer appear in the to resolve tab.

Alternate solution:
Payroll error message resulting from missing pay codes usually occurs when a payroll item created has no Pay code.
To check the list of Payroll items if all have a pay code.
1. Navigate to Setup > Payroll > Map Payroll Items
2. locate if there is any payroll item under either the Earnings/Deductions/Company Contributions that is blank
Enter the pay code if a payroll item has a blank pay code.
Update the Payroll information Navigate to Set up > Payroll > Update payroll information.
Tick Agree and commit the updates.
Error code should no longer appear in the to resolve tab.

1. Always perform an update once all the changes were made in payroll.
2. If Payroll error message resulting from missing pay codes description does not match the information in the resolve tab and all payroll items are mapped correctly.
3. Contact support if further assistance is needed.

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