Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Multiple Return User Error Action Triggered During Before Field Edit on Workflows

When multiple Return User Error is used in a workflow both having the same field and is triggered by using Before Field Edit, only the first instance of the action is triggered, the other actions are not called because the first action is interfering with the call. An example of the workflow is seen below:


1. Create Workflow
Name: Customer Category
Record Type: Customer
Release Status: Released
Enable Logging: True
On Create: True
On Update: True
Trigger Type: - All –


2. Create State 1
3. Create First Return User Error Action
Return User Error
- Trigger On: Before Field Edit
- Client Field: Customer Category
- Text: Retail Selected 
- Condition: Customer Category any of Retail


4. Create Second Return User Error Action
Return User Error
- Trigger On: Before Field Edit
- Client Field: Customer Category
- Text: Wholesale Selected
- Condition: Customer Category any of Wholesale


5. Create/Edit a Customer record
6. Set the Customer Category to "Retail" the Return User Error is triggered and "Retail Selected" is shown 
7. If the Customer Category is changed to "Wholesale" the Return User Error action is not triggered 


In this setup only the first action is triggered, changing the field's value to the other option does not trigger the action, you may switch the two actions such that the "Wholesale" action comes first before "Retail" and the same result is given. The expected result is that the two actions should be triggered since they have a different condition to satisfy.


An alternate solution to this problem is to use the Before User Submit to check the field for changes this way NetSuite will still be able to return a user error if a field has not fulfilled a condition.

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