Friday, March 1, 2019

Payments> Payment Processing> Bill Payment Processing> Processing Errors: INVALID_KEY_OR_REF Invalid folder reference key XXXXX

After generating bill payment, the Payment File Administration displays with processing error INVALID_KEY_OR_REF Invalid folder reference key XXXXX.

This happens when the File Cabinet Location setup under Payments> Setup> Bank Details for a specific bank account is inactive. The reference key noted on the error pertains to the internal id of the file folder.

To resolve this error, the following options are available:

Option 1: Edit the Bank Details and set a valid or active file folder on the File Cabinet Location field. Steps are as follows:

1.    Navigate to Payments> Setup> Bank Details

2.    Select Edit for the specific bank account

3.    Change the value set on the File Cabinet Location field to an active file folder

4.    Hit Save

Option 2: Re-activate the file folder. Steps are as follows:

1.    Navigate to Documents> Files> File Cabinet

2.    Mark Show Inactives check box

3.    Locate the file folder and uncheck the Inactive check box

4.    Hit Submit

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