Saturday, March 23, 2019

UPS Daily Rates, Standard List Rates, and Retail Rates

In 2013.2,  Rates Type for UPS will already be available.

-Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Shipping > Preferences tab > Rates section > UPS Rates Type

Daily Rates apply to UPS account holders who have a UPS Scheduled Pickup account estab­lished prior to January 3, 2011, and to UPS account holders with a customized shipping agreement that provides for Daily Rates.

Standard List Rates apply to UPS account holders who have a UPS Scheduled Pickup account established on or after January 3, 2011, and to UPS account holders with a customized shipping agreement that provides for Standard List Rates. UPS account holders who receive Standard List Rates but no longer meet criteria to qualify for Standard List Rates may be charged Retail Rates without further notice from UPS.

UPS account holders receiving Retail Rates who believe they may qualify for Standard List Rates must contact UPS in order to be consid­ered for Standard List Rates. Upon request, UPS will then determine whether the UPS account holder is eligible for Standard List Rates, in UPS's discretion.

Any rate changes will be applied prospectively only, and no refunds or credits for charges or rates previously assessed will be issued, regardless of eligibility prior to shipment. Shippers who do not receive Daily Rates or Standard List Rates will be charged Retail Rates.

Retail Rates also apply to shipments processed and paid for at The UPS Store® or UPS Customer Centers. Shippers who drop off at a location of The UPS Store or a UPS Customer Center packages that have already been processed prior to drop off will receive the rates applicable to the transaction.


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