Monday, April 8, 2019

Email Campaign Best Practices

1.Ensure that Contacts entered in NetSuite for Email Campaigns areopted in specifically to the account. If Contacts are not, send theinitial Opt In message.

2.Enforce a process to remove opt outs who reply to the Email Campaigns.NetSuite automatically opts out any who click the opt out link but ifa Contact replies to the email there needs to be a process for updatingthose to soft opt out as in this scenario it will not automatically happen.

3.Remove Contacts who have not responded to Email Campaigns (opened, clickedor submitted a form) in the last 6 months to one year.

4. Inmost cases it is best to avoid sending more than two  Email Campaigns perContact Group per month.

5.Send messages that are relevant to the target subscribers.

6.Regularly update the Contact lists for  Email Campaigns to ensure that theperson is still at that email address.

7.Setup DKIM. DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) is atechnology designed to make it difficult or impossible for cyber-criminals tosteal the identities of legitimate organizations. This authenticationtechnology allows good senders to sign a message to prove that itreally did come from them. Users create digital signature through a public &private key.

8.Be consistent with the sending frequency. Pick a schedule and stick to it.

9.In most cases it is best to send business to business emails Tuesday throughThursday. It is best to avoid sending business to business emails after 4pm oron weekends.

10.In most cases it is best to send business to consumer emails after work hours,Tuesday through Thursday or between Friday evening and Sunday afternoon.

11.To improve deliverability, add a message at the top of email campaign messagesthat says: To ensure receipt of our emails, please add campaign@yourcompany.comto your Address Book.

12.Make the From Name for the  Email Campaigns either the Company Name or the Name of a person at the Company. Themost important factor in a subscriber's decision to open the email is if theFrom Name is familiar to them.

Note:  For moredetails please refer to the following Help Topics:

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